The Church teaches that our celebrations of the sacraments are not a “magic moment” but a process of growing in our relationship with the Lord and receiving the grace (“participation in the life of Christ”), lavishly given by God.
The liturgical celebration confirms what is a reality already: the life of the risen Christ is alive in us also. This is why we
place such importance on the preparation process – strengthening our relationship with Jesus as we grow.
For families preparing for Baptism of their baby, two preparatory classes are required.The first session is scheduled on a Thursday evening at 5:00 via Zoom and the second is the Saturday before the baptism.
Included are discussions of what it means to live the faith we profess, how we raise our children in the faith, what faith in Jesus means for us today, the mystery and meaning of the sacrament, how we celebrate the sacrament and what its symbols mean.
The date for the celebration of baptism—held during a weekend Liturgy on the second Sunday of the month—can be set after the first preparatory class meeting.
There is time for sharing with other parents, and a time to walk through the Rite before the date of baptism.
For more information or to register for the class please contact
Margaret Roncalli at: [email protected] | 510-550-4058
For young people over the age of seven who have not been baptized the preparation process is different
from preparation for infant baptism.
It is longer, similar to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Because the children are old enough to be catechized,
the process involves both the parents and the young person.
The meetings, like for those preparing for first Eucharist or first Reconciliation, are held two Sundays
a month, and include a parents gathering. These take place Sunday mornings from September through June.
The young person’s preparation includes the weekly participation in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word.
There are also several one day retreats for the young person, godparent and parents included as part of
the preparation.
The celebration of baptism for a young person over the age of seven normally takes place at the Easter Vigil along with the adults who have been preparing for initiation. The sacraments celebrated include Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, just like the adults seeking initiation.
(Although the sacraments are celebrated at Easter, the preparation period continues after the Easter celebration. And the preparation may be a one- to two-year process.)
First EucharistFor families planning for the celebration of first Eucharist and first Reconciliation for their child, the two-year process begins with the first-grader (or older child) participating in weekly Children’s Liturgy of the Word and the monthly All-Family Faith days.
The second year includes these two activities plus the twice-monthly Sunday
children’s classes and parents’ meetings, from September through June. The preparation for these two sacraments also requires the parents’ participation in Children’s Liturgy of the Word and in the monthly All-Family Faith Day during the first and second years, as well as family participation during Sunday Liturgy.
The preparation also includes a half-day retreat for children and families in the spring of the second year.
Registration Form:
→ Faith Formation Registration Form
Please fill out this form online, download it to your computer and email it to: [email protected]
First Reconciliation
The celebration of first Reconciliation takes place on a Saturday during Advent or during Lent. It is a Reconciliation Service designed for children but including families, other children from the parish as well as the catechists.
The celebration of first Eucharist takes place at a 10:30 Mass during the Easter
season and includes special recognition of children.
For more information or to register please contact -
Margaret Roncalli at [email protected] | 510-550-4058
For teens seeking Confirmation, there are twice-monthly Sunday meetings during
the school year of the two-year process.
The process also includes regular youth group gatherings, plus parents’ gatherings and participation in the monthly All-Family Faith days.
Though the sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated every other year, a high school teen may paticipate right away in the youth group gatherings.
The curriculum for preparation includes the topics of scripture, understanding the sacraments, moral decision-making, Church teaching on personal morality, the treasures of our African American Catholic tradition, what it means to be a disciple
and participation in community life and community service.
The preparation process meets diocesan subject and hour requirements.
For more information about Confirmation and youth activities please contact:
Mr. Maurice Harper - [email protected] | +1.415-385-8307
Registration Form:
St. Columba Sacrament of Confirmation Program >
Please fill out this form online, download it to your computer and email it to: [email protected]
Nea Onnim No ASua A, Ohu
He Who Does Not Know, Can Know From Learning
knowledge / life-long learning